Well today marks the start of an earnest effort to start getting things done. I have a nonprofit to run now, a training career to continue pursuing, cycling season to get in shape for, travel plans to make, and I have to pack my entire life into a two-door Ford Thunderbird... again. Sound like a lot? It sort of is, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Back On The Horse
Well today marks the start of an earnest effort to start getting things done. I have a nonprofit to run now, a training career to continue pursuing, cycling season to get in shape for, travel plans to make, and I have to pack my entire life into a two-door Ford Thunderbird... again. Sound like a lot? It sort of is, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Big Air, The Autowet Crew, TakeYourBikeand More
I'm still trying to catch up from the last few days; it's been epic, fun, challenging, and exhausting - all in the best way possible. Big Air on Elk was Saturday, which was pretty ridiculous. The whole town shut down main street for the sole purpose of building a 40 foot tow-in step up jump, which is the most logical use of a main street in the downtown of any city on a Saturday night as far as I'm concerned. I photo I took is above (I opted out of entering - although I'm not sure I would've gotten an entry pass from the organizers, anyway - due to my recovering sprained back, my focus on not hurting myself for cycling season, and due to the fact that I didn't have much interest in attempting my first snowmobile tow-in on an icy runway in the dark in front of the whole town). The guys involved, though, put it down. It was epic good fun, and a real treat to watch. It's invigorating to live in a town this cool. Sunday was spent on the bike (for those of you with sense - who would never know this - riding a trainer is like caging a wild animal. It's depressing, lonely, and pretty damn heartless. But you get out what you put in.), reading, listening to some quality music (I'm still convinced that Tommy Flanagan is an extremely underrated jazz pianist), and A LOT of progress on the TakeYourBike project. The idea brainstorming is piling up, the website outline is coming along more and more every day, and the progress is rampant. Maybe it's the fading snow base, maybe it's my belligerent enthusiasm for cycling, but this is getting to be more and more of an undertaking. I'm thrilled to have found some genuine direction to place my energy, and I couldn't be happier that it's contributing to the greater good. Possibly the most exciting part - the first draft of our route is done! The picture is above, and the link to the real deal is below. Check it out:http://tinyurl.com/y8hlgg4You know you want to come. It's going to be too much fun. If you're seriously interested in coming with us, email me at believeinsnow@yahoo.com. We'd love to have you. We're working more on the website today - our optimistic launch date is April 15 (one month from today). Gotta get the dirty work done now because the Autowet Crew arrives in CB tomorrow. For those of you not in the know, this means I'll get less than desirable amounts of work done for the next week. Which will be great fun, and I can't wait to have the team out. I live for this.
Monday, March 8, 2010
The First Step
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Day In The Life
Today involved client training, snowboarding, and riding bikes. This is the current state of affairs in my life. I have to admit, I'm pretty smug about it. I have one month left in Crested Butte (this time around - I'm not sure when I'll be back, but I'll be back), and I'm pretty excited about it. My calendar for the next 30 days involves a lot of snowboarding, friends coming to visit, the annual slush huck at the hill (it will be fun, I assure you), Gaper Day (you can only understand if you live here - I'll be wearing the pictured one-piece), the end of season rail jam (when the snow is melting and the skies are blue, the park rats will eat their cake), and a lot of bike training. Come to think of it, a lot of bike training has already started. I've averaged 90 minutes a day for the last 2 weeks, and it's only getting better. It's 8:24 PM on a Friday night, and writing this while stretching to get ready for a 2 hour ride while watching the LeBron James Show on ESPN. The path is dark. I'm about as stoked for bike season as I was for snow season about 7 months ago - races, rides, commuting in Seattle, and so much more. To add to my excitement, I'll be teaching a 3 week boot camp for cyclists and triathletes at Elevation Fitness in Dillon, CO in April if you want to come hammer with me. Leading that training bootcamp, enjoying two wheels on my own time, and park laps at Copper and Arapahoe Basin all April? Sign me up. You should sign up, too. It'll be fun. I swear.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Exciting News
April - Nov 2010
April 4 Closing Day in CB
April 5 Start getting ready to leave/leave for Summit Co.
April 5ish to May 1ish Ride and train at A-Basin and Copper
* progressive snowboarding
* train for cycling season
* Get SERIOUS work done on NPO for fall, recruit riders
* Get a job at a gym(s) in Seattle
April 30ish Leave for Seattle
* take your time - do some cycling, sightseeing (SLC, Boise, Oregon)
* look into places of interest online
May 2ish Arrive in Seattle
*** May 8-15 changes if you're flying directly to Miami ***
If so, you can stay in Miami past the 16th and fly directly back to Seattle
May 6 Fly to DC
May 8 Go to Norfolk, visit everyone
May 11/12 Meet with Mom & Dad and drive to Miami
May 14 John's Graduation
May 15/16 Leave Miami for DC
May 18 Arrive in DC
May 20ish Leave for Seattle in the Suburban, if you haven't gotten it yet, hopefully with your brother
May 21-26 (Depending on driving/flying) Arrive back in Seattle
*** Spend your summer training, playing music, working on NPO/Bike Tour, organizing Tahoe Winter ***
*** Study for, register for, and earn you AFAA Personal Training Certification ***
May 24/31ish Start work at new job in Seattle
May 30 SkitoSea Race at Mt. Baker. Epic.
June 12 Flying Wheels Century ride in Seattle
July 17 STP Ride from Seattle
July 29 RAMROD (Race Around Mount Ranier In One Day)
August 13/14 RSVP Ride from Seattle
August 16ish Fly from Seattle to Japan to visit Mom and Dad
August 17- September 7ish Enjoy Japan with Mom and Dad (and hopefully John)
* Finish up work on NPO/Bike Tour
* Finish up organization for Tahoe Winter
September 13 Leave for start of Commuter Cycling Awareness West Coast Bike Tour
October 13ish Arrive at end of Bike Tour in Los Angeles
October 13-15ish Enjoy Los Angeles
October 15ish Return to Seattle via plane, train, automobile
November 1ish Leave Seattle for Tahoe
... and let the winter begin.