Sunday, July 25, 2010

100th Blog Post!

So I suppose that I've ascended to "Webelos" territory in the blogosphere, having posted 100 times on this page. Regardless of whether this is actually the case, I'm overjoyed to have had the opportunity to use the word "Webelos" in a sentence. If you don't understand the reference, take the time to Wikipedia "Boy Scouts", "American childhood", or "obscure cultural reference".

Life is as busy as I can remember as of late, and time to write (both music and here in the blog) is becoming harder and harder to come by. I'm glad to have found the time today to do a little of both.

This week has brought a lot of introspection to the forefront, and I've spent a lot of time examining what motivates me. I feel as though I'm chasing something, but I can't put my finger on it. Fame and fortune don't have much appeal to me; I think I'm too much of an idealist to settle for anything that material. That being said, I am constantly intrigued by the contrast my dedication to achieve and my contentment with the present. I'm thrilled to be doing anything and everything with most anyone, and I relish the opportunity to have full conversations with complete strangers - yet my friends and family mean the world to me. Despite this love of the present and the smallest (probably not the right word, but it's the first that comes to mind) of experiences, I have many, many fairly ludicrous ambitions, and put much of my time, energy, and resources toward making these reality. A new friend helped me reconcile this in a way - she pointed out that it may be that my ambitions and my grand dreams allow me to enjoy the infrastructure of otherwise trivial experiences that make up daily life. Having a goal to work toward, a dream to chase down - this opens my mind to fully appreciate the simple luxuries of daily life. I feel that living in an urban setting has compounded this, as I am constantly surrounded with interesting sights and people, many of whom are chasing equally ludicrous ambitions. I firmly believe that aspirations make us greater than we can otherwise be.

All of this may seem a bit over the top, but this is actually what occupies my mind on a daily basis. Seriously. It's gotta go somewhere.

I went to my first ever track cycling race last night, and it was a blast. I rode there and back with a bunch of new friends, which was even better. I'm firmly convinced that bicycles are the coolest things in the world, and you'll be hard pressed to prove otherwise. If you want to try, email me at with your argument.

Women's cycling races are incredibly enjoyable to watch. It's like going to going to the beach and admiring the female form, but all of those females can own you on the bike. And that's something special.

The biggest ride of my season is coming up Thursday (well, other than that ride). RAMROD - 154 miles with 10,000+ feet of climbing. Ouch. Say a prayer for my legs. And my sanity.

We've got wristbands in at, and shirts and spoke cards are on their way. Buy some TYB swag and help support the Border2Border bicycle tour. Email any order inquiries to

Currently listnening to: Melody Gardot
Currently reading: Nutrition for Serious Athletes

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